If you are a new customer and not sure where to begin, I've created a list of my most frequently requested topics for a variety of audiences- parents, professionals, and students with intellectual disabilities. These topics are listed from younger age groups to older age groups. Most of these programs can be adapted to a virtual webinar format.
Keep in mind this is simply a starting point. I can help you customize programming to meet a variety of needs.
...for Parents and Professionals
Changing the Scripts: Supporting Healthy Sexuality in People with I/DD- In this session participants will learn about five pervasive scripts commonly experienced by individuals with I/DD and their impact on sexual thinking and behavior. Strategies and resources for addressing these scripts will be shared.
Sexuality Education Basics- The Nuts and Bolts of Teaching - This session integrates best practice research for teaching sexuality to individuals with intellectual disabilities. Teaching strategies (how do I teach?) along with key foundational concepts (what do I teach?) are presented. Examples of classroom activities, resources and ideas for teaching at home, school and in the community are shared.
Supporting Healthy Sexuality Through Pubescence- A Primer on Puberty- Families often experience anxiety when their son or daughter with intellectual disabilities begins to exhibit changes that occur during puberty. In this workshop, participants will learn about frequently identified issues and concerns of parents of tweens with I/DD and practical ways to address them.
Don’t Cross the Line! Navigating Boundary Confusion in People with I/DD -In this session parents will common reasons for boundary confusion in individuals with I/DD, why boundaries are important, and important aspects of boundary instruction.
I Want to Date! Supporting Healthy Dating Relationships - The need for intimacy and meaningful connections with others is part of the human condition. People with intellectual disabilities have similar needs for intimacy, but often encounter a unique set of barriers as they move into the dating world. In this workshop parents will explore obstacles uniquely experienced by people with intellectual and identify helpful roles for parents and/or support providers, as well strategies for supporting self-advocates learn important steps in the dating process.
...for Tweens, Teens, and Adults
People in My Life: Understanding Relationships - Participants will learn about 5 common types of relationships and the roles these people play for all of us. Worksheets and interactive activities are used to reinforce concepts.
Don’t Cross The Line! Boundary Basics for Staying Safe and Appropriate in Relationships - Participants will learn what a boundary is, why boundaries are important, and how to make decisions about physical boundaries. Using fun activities, participants will learn how boundaries can change based on who you are with and where you are. Unique boundary rules for private body parts will also be shared.
Dating Basics - This interactive workshop is designed for teens and young adults who are interested in dating but have little experience. Dating readiness assessment as well as basic (but necessary) steps for starting a romantic relationship are shared.
Do You Feel Respected? Learning About Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships - Relationships are an important part of life! But not all relationships work out. In this session, teens will learn ways to decide if a relationship you are in is healthy or unhealthy. Using checklists and real life examples of relationships, we will discuss when to continue or stop relationships.
...for Parents & Tweens together
Puberty workshops- Parents and tweens learn together in a comfortable, safe, and fun environment. Concrete teaching methods (videos, pictures, games and activities) are used to improve comprehension and help parents become more comfortable and confident helping their tweens understand body changes, ways to manage these changes, safety and social appropriateness.